"Lil' Boy Blue Petting Farm"
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- "Lil' Boy Blue Petting Farm" Dept. 56 Storybook Village Item (13172 )set of 3. Introduced 1999 and retired 2001. Mint condition in original box & sleeve. Size: 8.5" x 7" x 8.7".

Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn,
The sheep’s in the meadow,
The cow’s in the corn.
What! Is this the way you mind your sheep,
Under the haystack fast asleep?

Startled, Boy Blue awoke from his nap.
He buttoned his coat, he put on his cap.
He had a great vision and knew what to do.
Open a zoo under a roof painted blue!

He gathered all the animals
His pride and his pets,
Caring for his creatures
Like true honored guests.
The visitors came,
And Boy Blue they did fame.
So that’s how the farm got its name.

Dept 56 Retirees, Inc.(since 1987) >